15 October 2013

Judo at School Seminar in Madrid

Seminar: "Improve your Club" with EJU Experts

Judo at School Seminar in Madrid

The second seminar EJU “Judo at school¨ will be organised this weekend in Madrid.

Spain was the second country, after Georgia, to sign the cooperation agreement through which, three Spanish cities, Olvera , Jaca and Torrent, introduced the sport of Judo at school, during school hours physical education. In the morning seminar, participating teachers in these schools, other schools interested in the project, universities and teachers judo course. Jean Pierre Gibert one of the best exponents of judo at European level will be responsible, in collaboration with Spanish experts, to show attendees the project program and exercises. The objective of this project is to introduce Judo in schools, during school hours, for it EJU experts have developed a program consisting of 10 lessons of initiation to judo, where children aged between 6 and 8 years , can learn the basic exercises of our sport, focusing especially ukemi teaching. One way of bringing Judo to a greater number of people, that after the experience at school, sure wish to continue with the practice in a club.