The 5th European Judo Research and Science Symposium & 4th Scientific And Professional Conference was held in the past three days as part of the 2018 Judo Festival in Porec, Croatia. Several presentations took place and numbers are tripled in compare to previous years. This shows the significant improvement of not only in research groups but of the Judo Festival itself.
“At the moment, I am working on pacing in judo. I am trying to understand how athletes behave during contests, the rhythm of their attacks, defences and the control of the grips. I am looking into details if this effected by the level of fatigue for instance. I am researching to see what can we do to improve their pacing, or how pacing effects the outcome of their competition.”

Brighton University Lecturer, Anastasiya Khomutova also shared her view of the event and explained to us how she got involved with researches in judo;
“I ended up coming to Porec by chance as I have met Mrs. Jane Bridge last year when she was visiting the University of Brighton and she asked me to have a research project on retention and attraction of girls in judo and overall in combat sport. So I have begun my work and been working on my project interviewing coaches athletes to present my work here today. I was really satisfied with my lecture as I received very positive feedbacks and questions afterwards. People relate to the topic, they agree it is important and they have feedback on it so they also gave me some information to think about, to take back and research. I enjoyed all presentations across the past three days. They complemented each other very nicely. I think there is so much we can learn from each other and we can share experiences with each other. Now, what we need to do is actually implement it.”

Dr. Ivan Segedi have been involved in research for over 13 years now. He delivered a reather interesting presentation on Application of Research in Judo. He than further explained;
“It is a great success for us to be able to organise this conference now the 3rd time consecutively in Porec and gathered fantastic professors, researcher together. It was also a honour for me to present some of my ideas, work and researches. I think the benefit of me in these researches are also the fact that I have been an athlete myself and I have a great level of understanding on what athletes need. However, the focus not only should be on elites but also on children too. Currently, I have a PHD Student under my mentorship. He is doing biomechanics research in judo with sophisticated equipments that were not used in judo yet. So we will try to do something new and hopefully it will lead us towards something new. This is my main focus research.”

Chairman of the Organising Committee, Prof.Dr.Sc. Hrvoje Sertic concluded the event;
“I am very satisfied with the amount of ideas we received to proceed. All of these authors came and presented their work. Also we have had three great practical presentations. It was a very successful past few days. Having Prof. Emerson Franchini and Anastasiya Khomutova here was also a fantastic achievement. In addition, we saw an astonishing presentation by Dr. Ivan Segedi about the Application Research in Judo. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with our progression and looking forward to see the improvement we can make in judo in the future.”
Author: Sören Starke