Referee Online Test

Referee Online Test

The EJU Refereeing Commission would like to introduce the Referee Online Test. This test is for referees as well as the rest of the judo community who would like to test their refereeing skills and judo knowledge.


Referee Online Test - version OCT 2024

Please register for the Referee Online Test. The test result will be send automatically by email.

1 / 20

The blue athlete has two elbows and two knees on the floor, the white athlete does a technique for score waza-ari. The referee did not give a score.

2 / 20

The white athlete made the kata -sankaku grip in tachi-waza with a trowing of the blue athlete. The referee calls waza-ari white.

3 / 20

The blue athlete puts a leg in between the white opponents legs to block the possibility of an attack. Referee calls mate and shido blue.

4 / 20

The blue athlete breaks the grip of the white opponent with the leg. The referee calls matte end shido blue.

5 / 20

Blue athlete lifts the opponent off the tatami and forcefuly pushes him back onto the tatami without a judo technique. The referee calls mate and consults commission for Hansoku-make for the move being against the spirit of Judo.

6 / 20

The white athlete starts osaekomi-waza inside contest area, action is continued outside the contest area. Referee calls mate.

7 / 20

The blue athlete attacks the opponent with a bear hug grip. Refere calls mate and gives shido for blue.

8 / 20

The white athlete attacks with uchi-mata and uses his head in the technique. The referee calls mate and consults with the commission. Hansoku-make is given.

9 / 20

The blue athlete does shime- waza and uses over-stretching the leg with the grip lower the knie. Opponent gives up by tapping. Referee calls Ippon.

10 / 20

The blue athlete in ne- waza uses legs around the neck without opponents arm inside. Referee calls mate and give shido for blue.

11 / 20

12 / 20

13 / 20

14 / 20

15 / 20

16 / 20

17 / 20

18 / 20

19 / 20

20 / 20

Your score is


Referee Online Test - version JUN_2024

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1 / 20

Tori (blue) throws Uke with uchi-mata .Uke is landing first on his side lower (90°) , but immediately roll overand after on his back. The referee gives waza-ari.

2 / 20

White attacks with morote seoi-nage but he cannot throw Blue . Blue blocks the attack and White falls on the knies. The referee gives for White shido for false attack

3 / 20

Blue applies a throw in standing position with tawara-gaeshi, the White is landing on his side (90°) and the referee scores waza-ari.

4 / 20

Blue throws white morote seoi-nage. White falls on his head at the landing and later turn over on his stomach. Referee given hansoku make for White for head defense.

5 / 20

Blue throws white with tomoe-nage. White is turn over on the air, landing on the knies. The Blue in a few seconds later from the same position try to do again to throw tomoe-nage, and the White falls on his side (90°)and the referee calls Wazari.

6 / 20

White has a conventional grip. Blue is ducking and immediately try to throw the opponent. The referee let's the fight continue without shido penality

7 / 20

The fight continues in golden score. White throws Blue with Uranage, Blue is landing on his bottom, simultaneously on both hands. The referee gives wazari White and calls soremade.

8 / 20

Blue attacks with uchi-mata. White is defending himself by press the blue's leg with own two legs. The referee calls mate and hansoku make is given.

9 / 20

White make kesa gatame in newaza. Blue defends himself by gripping inside the Tori’s trousers. The referee calls mate immediately and awards shido for Blue.

10 / 20

In the last 5 seconds of the regular time of the fight, after hajime the White player, who has one wazari, run backwards and circle without taking the grip. The referee gives more time because it is close finish of the fight .

11 / 20

12 / 20

13 / 20

14 / 20

15 / 20

16 / 20

17 / 20

18 / 20

19 / 20

20 / 20

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version APR_2024

Please register for the Referee Online Test. The test result will be send automatically by email.

1 / 20

Tori (blue) throws Uke with seoi-nage.Ukes is landing on his side (90°). After the landing Uke is rolling on his front. The referee gives waza-ari.

2 / 20

Blue attacks with deep seoi-nage but he cannot throw white. White blocks the attack and throws blue with a new technique backwards. By doing so he uses his back. The referee scores waza-ari.

3 / 20

White applies a throw in standing position with kata-sankaku-grip and the referee scores waza-ari.

4 / 20

Blue throws white with Seoi-nage. White arches his neck with purpose and avoids the landing on his back. Instead he is landing on his side. Waza-ari is given.

5 / 20

Blue throws white with ude-gaeshi. White is landing completely on his back and the referee calls Ippon.

6 / 20

Both players have taken kumi-kata. White breaks the grip with both hands but keeps his grip on Ukes sleeve. The referee let's the fight continue.

7 / 20

Both players have been penalised with shido. The fight continues in golden score. Blues throws white who is landing simultaneously on both elbows. The referee calls ippon blue and shido for white.

8 / 20

White attacks with uchi-mata. Blue is defending by reaping white’s leg from behind.The referee calls mate and consults with the commission. Hansoku-make is given.

9 / 20

White attacks blue with uchi-mata. Blue defends himself by gripping Tori’s leg. Blue is thrown for waza-ari. The referee calls mate immediately and awards shido for white.

10 / 20

After hajime both players circle each other for more than 8 seconds without taking the grip. The referee gives more time to find out who is negativ.

11 / 20

12 / 20

13 / 20

14 / 20

15 / 20

16 / 20

17 / 20

18 / 20

19 / 20

20 / 20

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version DEC_2023

Please register for the Referee Online Test. The test result will be send automatically by email.

1 / 20

Criteria to consider bridge can also be an attempt of a bridge

2 / 20

Score will be given for a whole side of the body landing only when the elbow is out

3 / 20

It is allowed to hold an Osaekomi Waza just around the neck without control of at least one arm

4 / 20

If Blue commits a slight infringment and throws White, the referee will allow Ne Waza until White has the advantage

5 / 20

It's never possible to give Hansoku Make for both athletes at the same time

6 / 20

To put a leg in between the opponent's leg to block the possibility of an attack should be considered as a slight infringment

7 / 20

Tori is applying Sode Guruma Jime in Tachi Waza, referee can give a score

8 / 20

If two athletes land together without clear control for either one, no score will be given

9 / 20

Fighters need to fix their judogi quickly after each Matte, only if the referee give them permission

10 / 20

Criteria to consider breaking grips can also be an attempt of a breaking grips

11 / 20

12 / 20

13 / 20

14 / 20

15 / 20

16 / 20

17 / 20

18 / 20

19 / 20

20 / 20

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version SEP_2023

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1 / 20

Judoka is entering on the mat with long hairs, referee should ask him/her to fix hairs before bowing

2 / 20

White throws Blue who lands on both elbows simultaneously. Blue immediatly takes Osaekomi, referee should let continue.

3 / 20

Both competitors are shaking hands right after start of the contest, referee has to give them both Shido

4 / 20

Kata Sankaku Grip in Ne Waza is allowed

5 / 20

Kansetsu Waza, if the judoka (cadet) has his arm completly streched, referee should annonce Ippon to protect him/her even if he didn't give up.

6 / 20

One of the athlete starts or perform any preparatory move of a kind of wrestling technique, referee shall call immediatly Matte

7 / 20

Tori applies Shime Waza by stretching Uke's leg, referee has to call only Matte

8 / 20

In Golden Score, Osae Komi Waza can go until 20 seconds.

9 / 20

Kaeshi Waza, the athlete receiving the attack and starting the counter attack can use the impact of the landing on the mat to finish for scoring proposes if it's done in a continuous action

10 / 20

Landing on the upper part of the shoulder is a criteria to give Waza Ari

11 / 20


12 / 20

13 / 20

14 / 20

15 / 20

16 / 20

17 / 20

18 / 20

19 / 20

20 / 20

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version JULY_2023

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1 / 20

Blue is holding White in Osae Komi, at 12 seconds Blue puts his fingers in White jacket as a pocket grip. Referee should give Mate, Shido and Waza Ari

2 / 20

A fighter can receive Hansoku Make even after the end of the fight

3 / 20

One of the fighters wants to break the grip of his opponent behind the knee without success, referee should give him Shido

4 / 20

Tori is applying a technique with a someasault, he will receive Hansoku Make but is allowed to continue in repechage

5 / 20

Blue is applying Hadaka Jime and push the head of his opponent on the front, referee should penalise him by Shido

6 / 20

To Dive headfirst backward on the mat to apply kind of Mae Sutemi is penalised by Hansoku Make

7 / 20

Any immediate result of a technique started simultaneously with the time signal is valid

8 / 20

Ne Waza is when both fighters have two knees on the floor

9 / 20

If a fighter is injured and can't continue the fight, his opponent will win by Fusen Gachi

10 / 20

To put the lapel of his opponent on his chin to apply Shime Waza is a slight infrigment penalised by Shido

11 / 20

Score or No Score

12 / 20

Score or No Score


13 / 20

Score or No Score

14 / 20

Score or No Score

15 / 20

Hansoku / No Score / Waza Ari

16 / 20

Score or No Score

17 / 20

Score or No Score

18 / 20

Score or No Score

19 / 20

Inside / Outside

20 / 20

Shido / No Shido

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version MAY_2023

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1 / 20

White is in a standing position, Blue on the knees grabs his leg to defend, referee should give Shido Blue.

2 / 20

The grip over the belt that becomes an essential part of the throw is not allowed

3 / 20

Kata Sankaku in Tachi Waza is penalized by Hansoku Make

4 / 20

One of the fighter is applying Morote Gari, he should be penalized.

5 / 20

Blue attacks Yoko Tomoe Nage as intention to throw and then apply Juji Gatame, referee has to announce immediatly Matte and Shido.

6 / 20

In Ne Waza situation, White is going outside the mat on all four, referee should let continue.

7 / 20

In Golden score, Osae Komi waza has to go no more than 10 seconds to finish the fight.

8 / 20

Score will be given for an impact on the shoulder at 90° or more even if the elbow is out

9 / 20

Landing on the bottom with immediate continuation on the back will be Waza Ari.

10 / 20

In Ne Waza situation, Blue applies Shime Waza with his fingers in his own sleeves, referee has to announce Shido but let continue the fight if progression.

11 / 20

1 Inside Score/Inside No Score/Outside

12 / 20

2 Waza Ari/No Score/Ippon bridge


13 / 20

3 Score/No Score


14 / 20

4 Score/No Score


15 / 20

5 No Score/Score


16 / 20

6 No Score/Score

17 / 20

7 Waza Ari/No Score, jumping/No score, not 90 degrees

18 / 20

8 Waza Ari/No Score

19 / 20

9 No score/Score Blue/Ippon White

20 / 20

10 Inside Score/Inside No Score/Outside


Your score is



Referee Online Test - version MAR_2023

Please register for the Referee Online Test. The test result will be send automatically by email.

1 / 20

If during ne-waza outside the contest area, uke takes over the control with osaekomi-waza in continuous succession, referee should call Mate

2 / 20

Contestants compulsory have to bow when they enter or leave the contest area

3 / 20

Tori throws Uke with Harai Goshi. In order to avoid this throw, Uke grips Tori under the belt but is falling on the side. Referee has to announce Score and penalty

4 / 20

If White has two elbows and two knees on the floor, Blue can apply a throwing technique and get score

5 / 20

Sono-mama can only be applied in Ne Waza

6 / 20

Kiken-Gachi means that one of the fighters didn’t come on time on the mat

7 / 20

Bear Hug is allowed if Uke has already one grip on Tori's judogi

8 / 20

If a fighter forgot his phone inside his judogi, he looses the fight by Hansoku Make and can't participate to the repechages

9 / 20

Uke is landing on the body of Tori, referee should announce Ippon

10 / 20

It is never allowed to hold an Osaekomi-waza just around the neck or head without control of at least one arm

11 / 20

1 Score or No Score

12 / 20

2 Score or No Score


13 / 20

3 Score or No Score

14 / 20

4 Score or No Score

15 / 20

5 Score or No Score

16 / 20

6 Score White + Shido Blue or Score White  or Shido White

17 / 20

7 Valid or Shido Blue

18 / 20

8 Valid or Shido White

19 / 20

9 Valid Action (Score) or Hansoku-Make (Diving)

20 / 20

10 Waza Ari White + Shido Blue or No Score simultaneaous actions or Shido Blue

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version DEC_2022

Please register for the Referee Online Test. The test result will be send automatically by email.

1 / 20

To consider a score, on the landing the body of Uke must be at an angle of minimum 90º to the tatami, looking at the line from shoulders to the hips.

2 / 20

When the elbow is out, score will not be given even if there’s a whole side of the body landing.

3 / 20

Waza-ari criteria comprises landing on the whole side of the body at 90 degrees or more to the rear, or on one shoulder and the upper back.

4 / 20

When Uke lands simultaneously on 2 elbows or hands, towards the back, the only consequence is a Waza-ari for Tori.

5 / 20

When a reverse seoi-nage is applied, no score can be given and Tori must be penalized with Shido.

6 / 20

Breaking the grips is only allowed if, after that, at least one grip is still kept.

7 / 20

To insert a finger or fingers inside the opponent’s sleeve is allowed if there’s an immediate attack

8 / 20

Non-classical grips (belt grip, one side grip, cross grip, pistol grip and pocket grip) are allowed when the attitude of the judokas is positive, when they are looking to perform positive attacks and throws.

9 / 20

To apply shime-waza using either your own or your opponent’s belt is penalized with Hansoku-Make.

10 / 20

When a high throw is done with the head (of Tori) going directly to the tatami, Hansoku-Make must be given.

11 / 20

1 Score or No Score

12 / 20

2 Score or No Score


13 / 20

3 Score or No Score

14 / 20

4 Score or No Score

15 / 20

5 Score or No Score

16 / 20

6 Valid or Shido

17 / 20

7 Valid or Shido

18 / 20

8 Valid or Shido


19 / 20

9 Valid Action (Score) or Hansoku-Make (Diving)


20 / 20

10 Valid Action (Score) or Hansoku-Make (Diving)

Your score is



Referee Online Test - version JAN_2022

Please register for the Referee Online Test. The test result will be send automatically by email.

1 / 20

In kaeshi-waza, the contestant receiving the attack and starting the counterattack, can use the impact of landing on the tatami to finish his/her kaeshi-waza action and have it evaluated.

2 / 20

Golden score can only be won by a technical score (waza-ari or ippon) or hansoku-make (direct or by accumulative shido).

3 / 20

Sono-mama (Hold positions) can be applied in situations where contestants are working in ne-waza or tachi-waza.

4 / 20

Breaking grips with both hands is allowed when immediate grip is taken.

5 / 20

When a contestant recieves hansoku-make for a diving action, he/she cannot continue in the competition.

6 / 20

Ducking the head beneath the opponent arm is allowed when followed by an immediate attack.

7 / 20

Ippon cannot be awarded for a rolling action.

8 / 20

The referee shall stay within the contest area and cannot observe any action from the safety area.