31 May 2013

European top juniors expected at European Cup Leibnitz

European top juniors expected at European Cup Leibnitz

For the sixth time is Leibnitz host of the European Cup for Juniors. Last years characterised by Austria’s great talents such as Kathrin Unterwurzacher, Bernadette Graf, Tina Zeltner and Daniel Allerstorfer, now they have found the connection in the senior division.

In Leibnitz more than 400 judoka are participating from 27 nations, among them 60 new Austrian talents. Leibnitz is one of best Junior European Cups when it comes to participation. Last year even 553 judoka participated.

The event will be prolonged with the Training Camp.

Leibnitz is the tenth European Cup for Juniors this season, last week the talents were in La Coruna, in Spain. Next week Paks in Hungary is the centre. In total 14 events will be held this year as qualification for the European Championships in the age U21 years in September in Sarajevo.

Austria’s Team for Leibnitz

Women (16):

-48kg: Mara Tabea Kraft, Sarah Strohmeyer, Nicole Herbst, Lisa Stelzer, Sarah Atzmüller, Maria Bornemann, Marie Christin Scheff, Lea Sixtl, Michael Polleres, Christina Raffler, Katharina Lechner,

Men (43):

-55 kg: Adam Borchashvilli, Stefan Autengruber, Lorenz Wildner, Matthias Mass, Martin Morgenbesser, Daniel Pora, Lukas Reiter, Jürgen Grasmugg, Thomas Lang, Nico Spindler, Andreas Tiefgraber, Christopher Wagner, Tobias Weixelbaumer, Martin Wess, Michael Winkler, Michael Zeltner, Gernot Grohs, Nick Haasmann, Florian Hackl, Dominik Lang, Georg Lichtenegger, Johann Schmid, Roland Grohs, Julian Hamernik, Maximilian Schneider, Christoph Schögler, Aaron Fara, Markus Kahlig, Christian Krassnig, Sascha Kuba, Johannes Pacher, Peter Pfistermüller, Stephan Prietl, Stephan Hegyi, Clemens Prentner.

Watch more information and the draw click here
