Day one of the EJU Kata tournament Louvain-la-Neuve saw young cadet and junior pairs showcasing their knowledge of different kata groups. For the cadets it was the first three sets to demonstrate: te-waza, koshi-waza and ashi-waza. The juniors have had the opportunity to enter in either Katame-no-Kata, Ju-no-Kata or Nage-no-Kata. The latter proven to be the most popular this weekend and with that France started their medal shower. The cadet category was claimed by Louise DESMIDT – Chemsy CHAHIDI (FRA) whilst the junior Nage-no-Kata winners were Steven PERNISEK – Ilyesse CHAHIDI (FRA).

France continued their excellence during day two when it was time for the seniors to show their forms. Gold number three was delivered via another excellent Nago-no-Kata performance by Louis GHEGEDIBAN – Paul GHEGEDIBAN (FRA). The last and final victory was gained through a top class Kime-no-Kata act by Grégory MARQUES – Stéphane BEGA (FRA). Home favourites, Nicolas GILON – Jean-Philippe GILON, delivered what was expected and won the Katame-no-Kata event with a total of 404.0 points. Italy clinched onto a gold medal too by Giovanni TARABELLI – Angelica TARABELLI (ITA) as they topped the podium after the Ju-no-Kata final. The Goshin Jutsu final saw Jenny FREY – Sebastian BERGMANN (GER) taking victory with an overall 518.5 points.

Congratulations to all medallists! You can find the results online via this link. For more images visit our gallery.
Prior to the event, on Friday, a successful Judges Kata Seminar took place. Below, a selection of images from the meeting. For more, visit our gallery.

Author: Szandra Szogedi