The EJU has started the production of the backnumbers. The new rules for using the official backnumber will start on 1. January 2010.
The Delivery time in the beginning can be 4 weeks, which means that all federations and judoka are urged to order backnumbers as soon as possible via
A lot of countries have already ordered, but some federations didn’t get in action so far. Result can be that judoka go to the first competition in January without this official backnumber and will lose the right to compete due to a lack of information.
The judoka is responsible themselves to have this new corporate design prepared on his Judogi.
Federations are requested to supply the information about the order process.
Of course, federations can order the backnumbers too, but also every single person. It is not necessary that all federations have to pay all backnumbers for their competitors.
Name and country must be prepared for each Judoka in advance before arriving to the competition.
Part for advertising, will be handed out for everybody for free through the organizer during the accreditation of each competition.
It is a new self-adhesive material tested for a good grip and fixed at the Kimono in 10 seconds.
This new part for advertising can be used one time and allows organizers to work with different sponsors in each competition.
It means Judoka never have to hand over their judogi to sew their backnumber one day before the competition.
For further questions, please ask your own federation as soon as possible.