The 17th EJU Medical Seminar was held in Malta between Friday 5th to Sunday 7th September. 30 participants from 19 European countries met to listen and participate in the agenda. The Main topic for this year was Youth weigh in and a special guest to the seminar was Catarina Rodrigues, EJU Sport Director responsible for youth. Her presentation helped the delegates evaluate the decision reached recently that Cadets are weighed in the old system that is only in the morning. The Commission will prepare a scientific report on their evaluation.
During the Seminar, Envic Galea, Chairman of the Medical Commission presented Dr. Max Jung a Medal from EJU President Sergey Soloveychik for his services to the EJU in the Medical Field.
It was recognised and agreed that because EJU presentations are becoming more interesting, the EJU Commission will start publishing these articles in a new journal entitled “European Judo Medical Science”. There was a consensus and a commitment that these Medical Seminars should continue providing valuable contributions in order to maintain Judo’s reputation and position as one of the safest Olympic Sports and to serve as encouragement for participants to continue researching their sponsorship and further strategy.
These were the topics covered:
• WADA news New Rules 2015 (Dr Laurie Malinen FIN)
• IOC Medical code or EJU Ethics code (Dr Maximilien Jung SUI)
• Return to Competition after injury (Dr Arnold Brons NED)
• Analysis of the new IJF weighing in, the day before and comparison of the Statistical weighing before completion (Dr Maximilien Jung SUI & Dr Andrea Lino ITA)
• Knee Injury, a new way to look at what causes and how to avoid knee injuries (Dr Maximilien Jung SUI)
• Core stability training program for judo, scientific approach (Dr Peter Smoulders BEL)
• The use of Dart Fish for the study of injuries. Collection of critical injuries, the videos and their analysis (Dr Arnold Brons NED)
• Concussion in sports how to act in judo. What precautions? (Dr Arnold Brons NED)
• The state of the blood circulating system of high level judoka, Study on blood testing to be able to identify overtraining (Dr Pavel Chekeres RUS)
There were also some interesting presentations from our national Federation Doctors:
• Study to determinate the frequency of injuries judo, times to return to sports and limitation of the sporty level (Ralph Akoto GER)
• Damage to the thumb long extensor tendon (EPL) (Vladimir Heinz CZE)
• Facial Trauma (Ann Hermansson SWE)
• Norwegian model for cognitive training (Pal Herlofsen NOR)