It may not have been the largest entry but the 100kg category provided some degree of excitement as Kirill DENISOV (RUS) lit up the venue on his way to a fifth IJF Grand Prix gold medal. First to stand in the Russian’s way was 23-year old Batyr HOJAMUHAMMEDOV (TKM). The experienced Denisov had Hojamhuammedov stumbing with a de ashi braai that he followed up with te waza for ippon. This set up a semi final with Karl-Richard FREY (GER) whom he threw for waza ari in golden score. In the final Denisov overcame the dangerous Jorge FONSECA (POR) when he countered Fonseca’s attempt at o soto gari wuth his own ko soto gari for ippon. When asked about the final Denisov said: “I had fought against Fonseca once previously so I knew that he was an explosive player. I had the feeling that one or the other of us would end the contest in spectacular fashion. I am glad it was me.” With regard to the future Denisov said: “I know that at 30-years old I am closer toward the end of my competitive career. But I am really enjoying judo now and I have my goals. I think a third Olympics for me is possible as long as I stay healthy and ahead of my competitors. Russia in strong in the -100kg category and there is plenty pf competition. We have the Grand Slam coming up next week and although I am not competing I will be at the training camp in Ekaterinburg. After this I am of course very hopeful of being selected for the forthcoming European championships.” Quite apart from his high performance competitive career Denisov is expanding his judo involvement: “Away from competition I have opened my own judo club (IJC). I coach there as much as I can usually boys and girls from 9 years old. But I have a new coaching programme for very young children from four years old. This is concentrated more on suppleness, improving stamina and general exercise. I have worked on this with Ezio Gamba. I plan to take a group of 10 or 12 youngsters to visit later this year the St. Genevieve club in France.”PODIUM