During the 2023 edition of the Tallinn European Open, President of the Estonian Judo Association, Mr Kaido KALJULAID presented two awards during the opening ceremony.
I would like to welcome you all to Tallinn, we are happy to host and open the the 2023 competition here in Tallinn and with good luck to all and great success to the athletes, and of course to look forward to you all returning next year.
Following the president, honouring the EJU president Dr László TÓTH, EJU Head Referee Director Alexandr JATSKEVITCH gave a few words,
Dear Mr President, judo fans and friends, on behalf of President László TÓTH I would like to congratulate the Estonian Judo Association on a great event here in Tallinn, to all involved in the production who have done such a great job.

Following the opening, President Kaljulaid presented two federation members with awards, first up was Senior European bronze medallist and Olympic representative, Grigori MINASKIN who competed in the -100kg category. The award was a congratulations for his professional sports career and the success he brought the Estonian judo community. Minaskin was happy to receive such recognition,
It has been a pleasure to be a part of this judo family, and I am glad that I have this sport in my life, I wouldn’t be here without the great work of Estonian judo.

Finally, a special award was given to Riho RANNIKMAA, a member of the association who has been coaching for 50 years now, recognising the impact he has had countless young judoka, instilling the judo values and contributing to a better society.
Author: Thea Cowen