Author: Oscar Del Castillo Andres
Last weekend on the 11th and 12th of February, the 1st International Training and Research Seminar, Safe Fall-Safe Schools, Judo Ukemi at School, was held at the University of Brighton, United Kingdom.
This seminar responds to one of the goals of the range of actions proposed by the European Judo Union and the University of Seville, in their collaboration agreement, with the aim of continuing to develop, jointly, the pioneering worldwide programme on the proactive treatment of falls in the child population, Safe Fall-Safe Schools.
In this sense, it has been a pleasure to share knowledge, experience and reflections with specialists of the highest level in the proactive treatment of falls in the school population. The participation of 14 countries, from three different continents, has been a source of pride for the organisation. From the European Judo Union and the University of Seville, we would like to thank all the National Federations, International Universities and Judo Clubs that have participated in it.
Safe Fall-Safe Schools continues to be committed to the health and safety of children in relation to unintentional falls. This purpose unites us with the challenge posed by the World Health Organisation in the search for solutions to this serious public health problem, thus providing consistent content to our slogan Judo more than Sport.
Author: EJU Media