6 December 2023


EJU Ordinary Congress


On Friday, 8 December, the 75th Ordinary Congress of the European Judo Union will take place in Belgrade. Almost 100 national association representatives from 47 nations are expected. So much for the official part. Informally, numerous workshops have been taking place since Wednesday morning to review the past season and prepare for 2024.

“The two workshop days are all about coordinating with the national associations in the best possible way – there is enough space to discuss challenges and opportunities in detail,” explained EJU Secretary General Martin Poiger.

For the record: A total of 107 events were organised by the EJU in 2023, with 26,591 athlete entries submitted. 14 million people watched the competitions on JudoTV.com and the EJU channels have counted + 400,000 users, with a strong upward trend.
“2024 promises to be a particularly challenging year. The number of EJU events will continue to rise, + 120, and attention will reach unrivalled heights,” said Martin Poiger. New tour formats will celebrate their premiere next year: The Hopes Judo Under-15 (international beginner tournaments, coupled with Kodokan technique training), Veterans, Kata and Adaptive Judo Cups (Get-Together-Tour) will celebrate their premiere next year. Up to seven competitions are planned for each format.
“We have a total of 156 commission members who uphold the quality of our competitions and events,” emphasised President László TOTH. “They are our backbone!”

The EJU year 2024 at a glance:

Author: EJU Media