October 11th was marked in 2011 by UNESCO as the International Day of the Girl, to recognise girls’ rights and the unique challenges they face around the world. It is therefore apt that between the 8th and 10th of October, the 18th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport was held in Porto.
In attendance were some familiar names from the judo community, including EJU Vice President Catarina RODRIGUES, who on this occasion represented the Women and Sport Commission of the Portuguese NOC. Filipa Cavalleri, Deputy Secretary of State for Sport, was a member of the organisation team of 18th Council of Europe Conference. Cavalleri is also a member of EJU Human Rights Commission and World Championship bronze medallist.

On the 10th of October, two sessions were held, the initial part addressed leadership through gender equality in sport, the latter, regarding dual careers.
During the Dual Career in Sport session, three-time World Champion and Olympic bronze medallist, Gévrise EMANE was one of the speakers, sharing her experience as Athlete Lifestyle Manager at the National Institute of Sport, Expertise, and Performance (Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance, INSEP) in France.
Author: Thea Cowen